4-Day School Week (Families)
What is an Intervention Day?
When can I drop off or pick up my child?
Elementary students can be dropped off 30 minutes before the opening bell or 30 minutes after dismissal. For middle and high school campuses, the drop-off/pick-up window is 20 minutes before the opening bell or 20 minutes after dismissal.
Why do you have a fall break?
Life School has included a Fall Break each of the last several years to give students and families an opportunity to recharge during the busy start of the school year.
What is the daily schedule?
School hours vary by campus. You can view the Bell Schedule for your campus from the campus website. Select your campus, and then choose either "About" or "Parents" from the top menu. You can access the Bell Schedule from there.
Where can I find the school calendar?
The school calendar is available online. You can also see dates for the current week from the central office or campus homepages.
What are the school hours?
School hours vary by campus. You can view the Bell Schedule for your campus from the campus website. Select your campus and then choose either "About" or "Parents" from the top menu. You can access the Bell Schedule from there.
Is there credit recovery for this school?
Life School offers credit recovery for high school courses during the summer and throughout the school year. Depending on the student's schedule and the credit/course needed, students are either placed in the course for a second time, or they are offered an opportunity to obtain credit by completing an online course.
Is a “D” considered a failing grade?
Life School issues numerical grades for grades 3-12. Anything below a 70 is considered failing.
What happens if my child fails a semester?
The answer depends on your child's grade level. For students in grades K-12 with year-long courses, the first semester average will be combined with the second semester average for an overall yearly average. If the overall average is a 70 or higher, the student will be considered passing, but may be required to attend summer school if he/she fails the STAAR assessment for Math or Reading.
Students in grades 9-12 with single-semester courses who earn a grade below 70 for the semester will not receive credit for the course. These students may need to repeat the course again or attend summer school in order to obtain credit. Further details of our promotion/retention guidelines are outlined in the Life School handbook.
Do you offer a GED program for parents?
What is PBIS?
Life School follows Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to encourage positive student behavior. With PBIS, we teach kids about behavior expectations and strategies. The focus PBIS is prevention (re-enforcing positive behavior), not punishment.
When will a proposed calendar and schedule be available for the 4-day school week?
How does a 4-day school week affect the athletic eligibility calendar?
Life School continues a 9-weeks grading calendar. There is a first 6-week check for eligibility where students can lose eligibility followed by a 9-week report card where students can again lose or regain eligibility. After the first 9-Week Report, students can only regain eligibility if passing everything at each 3 weeks progress report and only lose eligibility at the 9-week grading report.
With a 4-day school week, do middle school athletes practice on Fridays?
Most Middle School practices take place from Monday-Thursday unless otherwise scheduled by the coach.
Under a 4-day school week, does Life School provide transportation to school events scheduled on Fridays?
No. Students are expected to provide their own transportation to the school and arrive at the assigned time.
Under a 4-day school week, are student-athletes required to attend Friday games and practices?
Yes. Student-athletes are expected to participate in all Friday games, practices and Open Gyms, Fields, and Weight-Trainings as scheduled by their coaches. The current athletic practice schedule during breaks (Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, etc.) continues to be followed depending on the sport/season.
Do student-athletes lose athletic period time with a 4-day school week?
No. The athletic period will increase a few minutes per week with the new 4-day school week. Athletic periods are increased Monday-Thursday making up for the time lost on Fridays.
Under a 4-day school week, would athletic practices still be held on Fridays?
This would depend upon the season, sport, and level (junior high, junior varsity, varsity, etc.). In-season sports would likely have games on Fridays as scheduled. Practices may be called on Fridays for in-season sports depending on game schedules.
Off-season sports may have open gyms, fields, and weight training for students to attend. The dates and times would be communicated in advance.
Under a 4-day school week, would athletes be able to meet teams at the games on Friday instead of coming to the school for transportation?
Athletes would be expected to follow team rules for team travel and ride to and from games with the team. There may be exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
Under a 4-day school week, are athletic events still held on Fridays?
Yes. Athletic and other extracurricular events take place as scheduled as required by UIL. The coaches/sponsors will communicate what time students need to be at the school on Fridays.