Schedule / Calendar
When can I drop off or pick up my child?
Elementary students can be dropped off 30 minutes before the opening bell or 30 minutes after dismissal. For middle and high school campuses, the drop-off/pick-up window is 20 minutes before the opening bell or 20 minutes after dismissal.
Why do you have a fall break?
Life School has included a Fall Break each of the last several years to give students and families an opportunity to recharge during the busy start of the school year.
What is the daily schedule?
School hours vary by campus. You can view the Bell Schedule for your campus from the campus website. Select your campus, and then choose either "About" or "Parents" from the top menu. You can access the Bell Schedule from there.
Where can I find the school calendar?
The school calendar is available online. You can also see dates for the current week from the central office or campus homepages.
What are the school hours?
School hours vary by campus. You can view the Bell Schedule for your campus from the campus website. Select your campus and then choose either "About" or "Parents" from the top menu. You can access the Bell Schedule from there.
When will a proposed calendar and schedule be available for the 4-day school week?
Under a 4-day school week, would students have to make up days due to inclement weather or other campus closures?
As normal, two makeup days are scheduled at the end of the school year if needed.
With a 4-day school week, what are the start and end times at my school?
The bell schedule would vary by campus. Campus schedules should be available on campus websites by February 2023.
With a 4-day school week, do students lose instructional time?
No. Texas measures instructional time by minutes rather than days. Students still attend the full 75,600 minutes required by the State of Texas without sacrificing any learning time for students.
With a 4-day school week, why are students out on Fridays not Mondays?
Districts who implement a 4-day school week have found that Fridays off better meet the needs of students and families.
Does a 4-day week shorten our holidays or breaks during the year?
No. There are no changes to existing breaks, including Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break.
Is a 4-day school week mandatory?
Yes. A 4-day school week applies to all students and campuses and replaces the current school schedule.
With a 4-day school week, do Fridays become online school days?
Are school days longer under a 4-day school week?
Yes. A 4-day school week extends the school day by approximately 1 hour.
Does a 4-day school week cause us to go to school later in the year?
No. We will still end the school year by Memorial Day weekend.
With a 4-day school week, what days are students out of school?
Under a 4-day school week, students attend school Monday-Thursday. Students are off most Fridays with a few exceptions that are identified on the school calendar.