How do I request that my child ride the bus from Cedar Hill or Mountain Creek to Life Middle School Waxahachie?
A request form is available online to request transportation from LSCH or LSMC to LMSW.
What is the bus schedule from Cedar Hill or Mountain Creek to LMSW?
The buses will load at Mountain Creek and Cedar Hill campuses promptly at 6:30 a.m. and leave the campuses at 6:35 a.m. each morning. Students missing the morning route will be allowed to ride the bus back to their original campus from LMSW. The busses return from LMSW no later than 10 minutes after the end of the school day (3:15 p.m.). Students not on the bus at that time will need to find an alternate ride home. Busses are expected to arrive back at the LSMC and LSCH campuses around 3:45 p.m.
Does Life School provide transportation?
Life School does not offer bus transportation system wide. Life School does offer limited transportation to Waxahachie Middle School for families from the Cedar Hill and Mountain Creek campuses who wish to continue with Life School beyond elementary school. A transportation form is circulated before the start of the school year for families to sign up to participate.
What are the bus routes?
Life School does not have a full bus system. However, we do provide round-trip bus transportation from Life School Mountain Creek Elementary and Life School Cedar Hill Elementary to our Waxahachie Middle School campus for parents who register for transportation. Due to limited capacity, transportation is provided on a first come first serve basis.