Student Devices
What kind of devices do students receive?
Students in grades K-2 receive a Chrome Tablet. Students in grades 3-12 receive a Chromebook.
Does Life School offer hotspots?
Life School offers Internet hotspots for families who need Internet at home.
Do students take devices home each night?
Students in grades 7-12 take devices home. Grades K-6 have the option to take the devices home each day. Teachers or campuses may choose to require home usage for grades 3-6. No required assignments for devices will be issued to K-2 students. The full details are available in the 2022-2023 One-to-One Guidelines.
Can students use their phones during school hours?
The current device policy can be found in the Parent and Student Handbook.
When does my child obtain their device?
The distribution process varies by campus. To find out the dates and times for your campus, you can contact your campus from the contact information page.